Book Chapters

Handegard N.O., Boswell K.M., De Robertis A., Macaulay G.J, Rieucau G. & Doksæter Sivle L. 2016. Investigating the effect of tones and frequency sweeps on the collective behavior of penned herring (Clupea harengus). In Effects of noise on aquatic life II (Editors A. N. Popper & A. Hawkins). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Vol 875. pp 391-398.
Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2015. Computer-animated stimuli to investigate lizard visual communication: A case study in the Jacky dragon. In Animal communication and cognition: Principles, evolution and development (Editor T. Wagner). Nova Science Publishers.
Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2012. Exploring the costs and benefits of social information use: an appraisal of current experimental evidence. In Culture Evolves (Editors A. Whiten, R.A. Hinde, C.B. Stringer & K.N. Laland). Oxford University Press.
* graduate student, ** undergraduate student
- 2023 -
50) Binder B. *, Rieucau G., Locascio J., Taylor C.J. & Boswell K.M. 2023. Impact of an anthropogenically mediated environmental disturbance on coastal fish community dynamics. PeerJ. In Press.
- 2022 -
49) Ramos E.A.*, Landeo-Yauri S.*, Castelblanco-Martinez N., Arreola M.R, Quade A.H. & Rieucau G. 2022. Drone-based photogrammetry enables reliable assessments of body size and condition measurements of Antillean manatees. Mammalian Biology. In press.
48) Rodriguez-Pinto I.*, Rieucau G., Handegard N.O., Kimball M.E. & Boswell K.M. 2022. Anthropogenic marsh impoundments alter collective tendency in schooling fish. Estuaries and Coasts. 45: 856–865.
47) McDonald A.M., Martin C.W., Rieucau G. & Roberts B.J. 2022. Prior exposure to weathered oil influences foraging of an ecologically important saltmarsh resident fish. PeerJ. 9:e12593.
- 2021 -
46) Castelblanco-Martínez D.N., Landeo-Yauri S.S.*, Ramos E.A. *, Álvarez-Alemán A., Attademo F., Beck C.A., Bonde R.K., Butler S., Cabrias L., Caicedo-Herrera D., Galves J., Jiménez-Domínguez D., Luna F., Morales-Vela J.B., Olivera L.D., Padilla-Saldívar J.A., Powell J., Reid J.P., Rieucau G. & Mignucci-Gianonni A.A. 2021. Analysis of Body Condition Indices reveals different ecotypes of the Antillean manatee. Scientific Reports. 11: 19451.
45) Fredrickson A.*, Rieucau G., Fontenot Q., Lackmann A. & David S. Non-lethal fin clip model validation for stable isotope analysis of Spotted and Alligator Gar. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. In press.
44) Hill J.M., Hutton B.**, Steffins** K. & Rieucau G. 2021. Floating along marsh edges: The impact of invasive water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) on estuarine species assemblages and predation risk. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 544: 151618.
43) Munnelly R*, Windecher C.C*, Reeves D.B., Rieucau G., Portier R.J. & Chesney E.J. 2021. Effects of short-duration oil exposure on bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) embryos and larvae: mortality, malformation, and foraging. Aquatic Toxicology. 237: 105904.
42) Ramos E.A. *, Santoya L., Verde J. Walker Z. Castelblanco-Martinez N., Kiszka J. & Rieucau G. 2021. Lords of the Rings: Mud rings feeding by Caribbean estuary bottlenose dolphins revealed from sea, air, and space. Marine Mammals Science. 2021: 1-10.
- 2020 -
41) Martin, C.W., McDonald, A.M., Rieucau G. & Roberts B.J. 2020. Previous oil exposure alters Gulf Killifish Fundulus grandis oil avoidance behavior. PeerJ. 8:e10587. PDF
40) Sabando M.**, Rieucau G., Bradley D., Caselle J.E. & Papastamatiou Y. 2020. Habitat-specific inter and infraspecific behavioral interactions among reef sharks. Oecologia. 193: 371-376. PDF
39) Rodriguez-Pinto I.*, Rieucau G., Handegard N.O. & Boswell K.M. 2020. Environmental context elicits behavioral modification of collective state in schooling fish. Animal Behaviour. 165: 107-116. PDF
38) deJong K., Forland T.N., Amorim M.C.P., Rieucau G., Slabbekoorn H. & Doksaeter Silve L. 2020. Predicting the effects of anthropogenic noise on fish reproduction. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 30: 245–268. PDF
- 2019 -
37) Harris J.M. *, Nelson J.A., Rieucau G. & Broussard W.P. 2019. Use of drones in fishery science. 2019. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 148: 687-697. PDF
36) Boswell K.M., Kimball M.E., Rieucau G., Martin J.G.A., Jacques D.A.*, Correa D. ** & Allen D.M. 2019. Tidal stage mediates periodic asynchrony between predator and prey nekton in salt marsh creeks. Estuaries and Coasts. 42: 1342-1352. PDF
- 2018 -
35) Rieucau G., Kiszka J.J., Castillo J.C., Mourier J., Boswell K.M. & Heithaus M.R. 2018. Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys and image analysis in the study of large surface-associated marine species: a case study on reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) shoaling behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology. 93:119-127. PDF
- 2017 -
34) Handegard N.O., Tenningen M., Howarth K.**, Anders N.*, Rieucau G. & Breen M. 2017. Effects on schooling function in mackerel of sub-lethal capture related stressors: crowding and hypoxia. PLoS ONE. 12: e0190259. PDF
33) Anders N.*, Ferno A., Humborstad O-B., Lokkeborg S., Rieucau G. & Utne Palm A.C. 2017. Size-dependent social attraction and repulsion explains the decision of fish to enter baited pots. Journal of Fish Biology. 91: 1569–1581. PDF
32) Johnsen E., Rieucau G., Ona E. & Skaret G. Collective structures anchor massive lesser sandeel schools to the seabed increasing vulnerability to fishery. 2017. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 573: 229-236. PDF
31) Woo K.L., Rieucau G. & Burke D. Motion sensitivity in the Jacky dragon: A constraint on signal design. 2017. Current Zoology. 63: 75-84. PDF
30) Chouinard-Thuly L. *, Gierszewski S. *, Rosenthal G.G., Reader S.M., Rieucau G., Woo K.L., Gerlai R., Tedore C., Ingley S.J., Stowers J., Frommen J.G., Troje N.F., Dolins F.L. & Witte K. 2017. Best practices when using virtual stimuli in animal behavior research. Current Zoology. 63: 5-19. PDF
29) Handegard N.O., Holmin A.J. & Rieucau G. 2017. Method to observe large scale behavioural waves spanning entire fish schools using 4D sonar. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74: 804-812. PDF
28) Tenningen M., Macaulay G.J., Rieucau G., Pena H. & Korneluissen R. 2017. Behaviour of Atlantic herring and mackerel school dynamics in a purse seine net using multibeam sonar. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74: 359-368. PDF
- 2016 -
27) Kruusmaa M., Rieucau G., Castillo J.C., Markna R. & Handegard N.O. Collective responses of a large mackerel school depend on size and speed of robotic fish but not on tail motion. IoP Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 11: 056020. PDF
26) Rieucau G., Holmin A.J., Castillo J.C., Couzin, I.D. & Handegard N.O. School-level structural and dynamic adjustements to risk promote information transfer and collective evasion in herring. Animal Behaviour. 117: 69-78. PDF
25) Boswell K.M., Rieucau G., Vollenweider J.J., Moran J.R., Heintz R.A., Blackburn J.K. & Csepp D.J. Changes in over-winter Humpback whales abundance structure Pacific herring schools distribution, morphology and internal structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 73: 1-12. PDF
24) Rieucau G., Doksæter Sivle L. & Handegard N.O. 2016. Schooling herring perform stronger collective anti-predator reactions when previously exposed to killer whales calls. Behavioral Ecology. 27: 538-544. PDF
- 2015 -
23) Rieucau G., Boswell K.M., Kimball, M.E., Diaz G.** & Allen D.M. 2015. Tidal and diel variations in schooling behavior of estuarine fish within an intertidal salt marsh creek. Hydrologia. 753: 149-162. PDF
22) Handegard N.O, De Robertis A., Rieucau G., Boswell K.M & Macaulay G.J. 2015. The reaction of a captive herring school to playbacks of a noisy and a conventional research vessel. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 491-499. PDF
21) Rieucau G., Fernö A., Ioannou C.C. & Handegard N.O. 2015. Towards a firmer explanation of large shoal formation, maitenance and collective reactions in marine fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 25: 25-37. PDF
20) Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2015. The importance of syntax in a dynamic visual signal: Recognition of Jacky dragon threat displays depends upon sequence. Acta Ethologica. 18: 255-263. Featured in WIRED. PDF
- 2014 -
19) Rieucau G., De Robertis A., Boswell K.M. & Handegard N.O. 2014. School density affects the strenght of collective antipredatory responses in wild-caught herring (Clupea harengus): A simulated predator encounter experiment. Journal of Fish Biology. 85: 1650-1664. PDF
18) Rieucau G., Boswell K.M., De Robertis A., Macaulay G.J. & Handegard N.O. 2014. Experimental evidence of threat-sensitive collective avoidance responses in a large wild-caught herring school. PLoS ONE. 9: e86726. PDF
- 2013 -
17) Rieucau G. & Woo K.L. 2013. Can Science Education Evolve?: Considerations on the pedagogic relevance of novel research discoveries in Animal Behavior. All About Mentoring. 43:82-89. PDF
16) Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2013. Efficiency of aggressive and submissive visual displays against environmental motion noise in Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). Ethology Ecology & Evolution. 25: 82-94. PDF
- 2012 -
15) Rieucau G., Blanchard P., Martin J.G.A., Favreau F.R., Goldizen A.W. & Pays O. 2012. Investigating differences in vigilance tactic use within and between the sexes in eastern grey kangaroos. PLoS ONE. 7: e44801. PDF
14) Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2012. Aggressive signal design in the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus): Display duration and frequency affect efficacy. Ethology. 118: 157-168. PDF
- 2011 -
13) Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2011. From dummies to computer-animated stimuli: a synthesis of techniques employed to stage animal interactions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1671-1685. PDF
12) Jacob S.*, Rieucau G. & Heeb P. 2011. Multimodal begging signals reflect independent indices of nestling condition in European starlings. Behavioral Ecology. 22: 1249-1255. PDF
11) Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2011. Exploring the costs and benefits of social information use: an appraisal of current experimental evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 366: 949-957. PDF
10) Vickery W.L., Rieucau G. & Doucet G.J. 2011. Comparing habitat quality within and between environments using giving-up densities: an example based on the winter habitat of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Oikos. 120: 99-1004. PDF
- 2010 -
9) Rieucau G., Morand-Ferron J. & Giraldeau L.A. 2010. Group size effect in nutmeg mannikin: between-individuals behavioral differences but same plasticity. Behavioral Ecology. 21: 684-689. PDF
8) Hamblin S., Mathot K.J., Morand-Ferron J., Nocera J.J., Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2010. Predator inadvertent social information use favours reduced clumping of its prey. Oikos. 119: 286-291. PDF
- 2009 -
7) Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2009. Persuasive companions can be wrong: the use of misleading social information in nutmeg mannikin. Behavioral Ecology. 20: 1217-1222. PDF
6) Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2009. Video playback and social foraging: simulated companions produce the group size effect in nutmeg mannikins. Animal Behaviour. 78: 961-966. PDF
5) Rieucau G., Vickery W.L. & Doucet G.J. 2009. A patch use model to separate effects of foraging costs on giving-up densities: an experiment with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63: 891-897. PDF
4) Rieucau G. & Giraldeau L.A. 2009. Group size effect caused by food competition in nutmeg mannikins (Lonchura punctulata). Behavioral Ecology. 20: 421-425. PDF
- 2008 -
3) Woo K.L. & Rieucau G. 2008. Considerations in video playback design: using optic flow analysis to examine motion characteristics of live and computer-generated animation sequences. Behavioural Processes. 78: 455-463. PDF
2) Rieucau G. & Martin J.G.A. 2008. Many eyes or many ewes: vigilance tactics in female bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) vary according to reproductive status. Oikos. 117: 501-506. PDF
- 2007 -
1) Rieucau G., Vickery W.L., Doucet G.J. & Laquerre B. 2007. An innovative use of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) foraging behaviour in impact studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 85: 839-846. PDF